Spring Forward Photo Contest - WeatherPod

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Show us how you're using your Pod this spring for a chance to win your choice of either a MyPod Mega or a MonsterMeshPod prize pack!


  • Upload your photo directly below
  • Must be an original/new photo
  • Must be your own photo
  • No memes and no photoshopping (Slight touch-ups are okay)
  • One (1) entry per person per day
  • Our favorite photo at the end of the contest wins


  • Do NOT submit a closeup selfie from inside the Pod where all you can see is your face
  • Make sure your photo is in focus and not blurry
  • DO NOT submit a screenshot of a photo; please submit an original, full-size photo file
  • No photos indoors, please.
  • The photos below are examples of what we're looking for

    Examples of Good Photo Submissions