My Plein Aire XLDeluxePod - WeatherPod

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November 14, 2017 1 min read

I am a Plein Aire painter and I have my own group that goes out every two weeks to paint or sketch – that means I’m an artist that paints outside. Last Monday, my best friend made a comment to me, “now that it getting cold, I bet you have one of those tent things that soccer moms have when you’re painting” I said “what?” When I asked my second best friend, google told me about Being an painter, I wanted to make sure that I have room for my chair, my paints & easel so I picked the largest floor space 45 x 45 so that I can paint while I’m inside. Yes, artist do get up and walk Back to look at their paintings a lot. Easy remedy; this has both front and back doors so I can get out either way without touching my painting, unzip the window across from the painting, walk back a bit, and check my painting through the open window. As you probably know, wind, rain – even fine sprinkles, and snow, yes, even snow flurries, make painting difficult when you’re outside. Course cold temperatures do too, We were coming off from a 30° night with the highs only been 40 – this is early in the morning so it hadnt gotten that warm out. Now, I’m sitting in the lap of luxury. I thing I regret is I forgot to take a picture of my easel with the painting that I was working on.
-Joyce M.

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