From Spring Sports to Summer Activities: How to make the Switch
Spring sports are winding down, and soon school will be out, which means keeping the kids busy. After months of playing together and being active, they're about to say goodbye to teammates and participating in their favorite sport. Soon the dreaded "I'm bored" and "there's nothing to do" moans will inevitably begin.
Don't panic. These tips and activities can help make the shift from spring to summer a cinch and keep your kids from feeling glum or lonely.
Change the Buzz
(Photo credit: Krampus Production)
Prepare them for the end of the sports season by hyping up fun summer activities. Start with scheduling a few events or playdates with their teammates so they look forward to connecting outside of practice and games.
Swap Out Gear for Summer Activities
As soon as your kid's sport is over, swap out the car gear so you're summer-ready. Keep a UTW WeatherPod® in the trunk at all times—you never know when it will come in handy; it's just as good at the beach or park as during rainy spring sports. A Pod can also serve as a fort, princess castle, a shady reading spot in the backyard, or a bug-free activity zone.
Better now than later: Clean and Organize the Gear
(Photo credit: Tima Miroshnichenk)
Assign the kids tasks, like cleaning the mud and dirt from last season's sports gear while it's still relatively fresh. Keep in mind that kids can be fickle— a sport they're passionate about this year may lose its luster next year. Make a note of anything that needs repairing or replacing, and keep it handy for next spring. This way, you know what needs replacing if they're still interested, and you won't waste money and time getting new equipment before you need it.
Keep Playing
(Photo credit: Anete Lusina)
Being active is one of the best things your little one can do for both their physical and mental health. Even as they switch from one sport to another, it won't hurt to keep practicing their spring sport. It's one way to keep up acquired skills, help them become a well-rounded athlete and encourage a lifetime of active participation.
Bring the Buddies Together
(Photo credit: Marc Tutorials)
Gather the old team for a midsummer get-together. The kids will love seeing each other again, no matter what activity you line up for them. Stay in touch with other parents and make a group date at a nearby theme park, a movie trip, or the pool for an afternoon of fun. The easier, the better – right?
Host a Backyard BBQ
(Photo credit: Rodnae Productions)
Kids love showing off their talents and new interests, so have them host a backyard event with the neighborhood, other friends, or teammates. Give them the job of welcoming guests and showing them to the fun and games. And it needn't be just the kids; everyone can take part, enjoying the weather and the time together. UTW multi-person bug-screen Pods also serve as portable screened patios for added shade, cover for snacks, and keeping pesky insects from spoiling the fun.
Introduce New Chores to Build Responsibility
(Photo credit: Gustavo Fring)
School's out for summer—take advantage of this transition and your kids' growing independence. Involve them in a few chores and added responsibilities. Besides easing some grownup burdens, it keeps them busy, out of mischief, and productive. Doing household chores has also proven to build self-confidence and self-esteem in kids.
Turn the Focus Outward
(Photo credit: Ron Lach)
One of the best ways to ease boredom or self-absorbed behaviors is to add charity and goodwill to the schedule. Teaching your kids the value of giving and putting others before themselves leads to more empathy and self-esteem, as an article at Parents.com suggests.
Prepare for Next Season
Many families move from one sport to the next as the seasons change. If you fall into this category, the kids are probably signed up for next season's sports. Get your kids involved in decisions when considering gear they already have and what else is needed. They'll be more actively engaged and look forward to the upcoming season. Don't forget to update supplies, including the right weather gear for the sidelines. Outdoor activities also lead to sunburn, dehydration, and mosquito bites. UTW pop-up Pods pop open in seconds for instant relief from the elements and pesky insects. They're easy to store, tote, and use, so keep one handy.
As you shift into summer mode, the most important thing to remember is: Take time to enjoy it all. Family time can be pretty amazing, and kids grow up in the blink of an eye. While they keep you frantically busy, be sure to savor each and every moment; they go by so quickly.
(Cover Photo Credit: Nadrilyanski)